Blogs, they are used for a lot of things today.
Journals, News reports, to express what you think about special events and much more.
No one really knows why they are here and since when they actually started, they are just there.
Me personally I haven't written a lot of blogs, I just started, but I think it is a lot of fun to write about what you think and then let everybody take part in it.
So what do you need to even start a blog, first thing is, a web page where you can publish your blog. Next step is to think of a blog topic, which you will write about and then publish into the Internet. Then last step is to write as much as you want to, about your topic so that it is good and readable to everyone else and the publish it.
But Blogs aren't just there to write something in the internet. Blogs can also help us to improve our English. They help to express yourself better over text and help you to develop a clear and readable language. Then they help us to learn to write long passages and keep on writing. Instead of not knowing what to write and just stop writing
Me personally I love my weekly blog. It is fun and has helped me express myself differently.
So now I want to hear what you think. Do YOU like blogging? If not, why do you note like it?What can be done to improve blogging even more?